Here is where all the water came in. It began to fill the window well we were using 5 gallon buckets to keep the water level down on Thursday night and it worked. But to much rain came on Friday morning and we were so tired and the water came so fast we couldn't keep up and it literally burst one side of the window.
All the water just came rushing in all I could do was run and get everything up as high as possible or upstairs. The carpet was ruined so we began pulling it up once the water level got down. Which was 2 days later because it kept raining all weekend even on Monday.
Instead of caring the carpet upstairs and outside, we began loading the window well that was perfectly fine with the carpet and then pulling it out from outside to the dumpster.
My craft room still has to get the carpet pulled out. I'm sure that will get done tomorrow. Talk about exhausting.
We put a sump pump in the window well to help with future flooding. We are having the window looked at to get an estimate on replacing it. We are also going to try and sand bag under the deck in this area to protect the window from flooding again. We have to make some changes to our back yard also because the neighbors behind us and next to us are elevated higher than us and all their water is filling the area in front of our bedroom like a pond and dumping right into that window well. So we have got to get that fixed before anymore rain comes.