Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Fire in the distance

The fire is 80% contained now. This was the smoke in the distance from my house.


Deppen homestead 1862 said...

Hi, Cherry~ Okay I am scared~ please keep safe~ will be saying prayers~

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I sure you get a good rain soon so that all the fires go out. Take care.

Linda Stubbs said...

This is wonderful! We have been praying. Scary time for many.
Hugs from my farm,

Robyn ♥ said...

Such a sad picture. Glad it is getting contained! Take care!

Cranberry Morning said...

That whole area has to smell like smoke! What devastation! Glad to hear that they're making headway.

Trace4J said...

Oh my so happy its now contained.
Stay safe friend.

Prims By The Water said...

So happy to hear that it is under control for the most part. What a horrible devastating fire it was...and so very close to you. Stay safe, janice

Jen Kershner said...

That is so scary! I'm hoping it is 100% contained soon!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That is a scary sight! Glad to hear it is mostly contained.
My brother in Flagstaff, AZ. dealt with that a year ago. It really is devastating for so many.
Take Care,

Lesley said...

So sorry to hear of this, but very relieved to hear that it is under safe....

Carrie P. said...

stay safe, I have been through that when I lived in CA.

TexWisGirl said...

i came over from felica's place (raggedy creations). so glad to hear it is being contained! i do hope you stay safe!

prairie said...

Hi Cherry: I hope you're still okay there in Colorado. Let us hear how you are doing when you can write.