Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm the BIG 40 today!!

Well I was just welcomed into the BIG 40 club!! I'm sewing hanging out with my husband and kids today. We are having dinner at PF Changs this evening. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


Kim said...

Happy Birthday! The 40's are the best. Welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
40's... been there, done that! :-D It'll fly by, you'll see.
Enjoy your day with the family and especially dinner... love PF Changs, too!

JoAnn SweetPepperRose said...

Happy birthday, my bloggy friend! Enjoy your day to the fullest :)

Sheila said...

Wishing you a wonderful day Cherry!
Bless you,

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

Happy Birthday!!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the club Cherry!!! ;)
I've been a member for two yrs now, it's not that bad. Heehee.
Happy birthday!
Hope you have a fabulous day.

Earlene said...

HAPPY 40th. BD!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!! Have a great one:)

Old Red Barn said...

Happy Birthday! How does it feel? I have 7 more years to go, but I want to be prepared heehee!


Prims By The Water said...

Happy Birthday Cherry! I'm in the 50 club now. Take care, Janice