I had to create my little purse at the last minute due to my purse handle frame getting lost in the mail. I wanted to make one a little larger so it could be carried as a small hand bag. My coin purse frame is 4 1/2 inches. I created a purse handle using clear tubing I took off a toy and pulled out the center and ran black yarn through and pinched it together using metal cylinders I found in the jewelry section. I chose pink fabrics I had on hand. I really liked the black with pink roses and thought a pink lining would be perfect. I'm going to give this to my grandma as a Christmas gift!! I know she will love it especially since she loves pink!!
Please go see all the wonderful coin purses created by all the other ladies today!!
Day 3 - Nov. 7th
I Love Wool
I Like to Quiltblog
Keep Your Fork There's Pie
Retired to Quilt
From This to That
Jenny E.
Domestic Deficit Disorder
Pig tales and quilts
Count it all Joy!
Creative Notions
I'm running a bit behind and will be posting the flat quarter photo and winner from the Wicked Hop on Friday!! With a little something extra since I am running late!!
Bummer, I hate when things get lost in the mail. Your little purse is lovely, clever idea for the handle. I know Grandma will love it. Thank you for sharing.
Love it! Did you enlarge the UR priceless pattern; and, if so, how much. Or, did you draft your own?
Great job!
How clever you are! Love the addition of the handle and think your grandma is going to love her gift. Simply gorgeous!
Thanks so much for being a part of the hop.
UR Priceless!
So sweet it is.
Pretty in pink! I bet your grandmother will love it.
Beautiful - I love the little handle.
very pretty and elegant.
Wow this is awesome, I need to find one of those frames!
Your grandma will love it!
The fabric looks like it comes from Tirol, I had a dress in blue when I was young, so your purse brings back sweet memories. Thanks for showing!
Your grandmother will love it. Great job making it a bit bigger. Thanks for sharing with us.
Your purse is sew beautiful and a wonderful gift to your grandmother
Thanks for sharing
So you can use different handles than those specific handles with the pattern that is suggested to purchase from this blog hop? I'd really like to try these fantastic purses.
So clever to make your own handle, and it looks great!I am also dealing with "lost in the mail" at the moment, and know how frustrating it is!
oh, that is too bad about your handle but you came through with a great and creative little purse. Well done.
HI Cherry..a lovely bag....
Great little coin purses!! Love the little handle!
I'm hosting a coin purse frame giveaway on my blog:
Your grandmother will love that purse. It's so pretty.
Love your purse! Thanks for sharing :) Also lovin your nativity taking shape, such cuteness!
Simply stunning! Love how it came out!
Sweet bag. Nice idea with the little strap too.
Lovely little bag--thanks for sharing!
Love the handle, such a great and creative idea!
Love your little purse. Judy C
Oh what a lovely gift for your Grandmother, she'll love it :)
Great purse - what a good idea to add a handle!
Thank you for sharing!
Hi!! It is very pretty!!! I love the colors!!! I am sure your grandma will love it!!!
I love the handle on it. Very nice.
That purse is adorable!
Very pretty purse, it looks so much bigger because of the handle. Grandma will love it
Oh Cherry, It is so beautiful. She will love it!
You are so creative! I love this purse.
I am so sorry you didn't receive your little purse handles, but you did a great job coming up with a very creative alternative. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful...what a creative idea for the handle!
Oh no -- I'm so sorry your handle frame got lost in the mail -- that's no good! You stepped back and recovered well, though -- your little purse is darling and I'm sure your Grandma will be thrilled! :)
This turned out to be simply beautiful - and I love your story about the handle. I would never have thought of that! blessings, marlene
What a great gift for your grandmother!
Your grandmother will love her little purse , it is sweet and I like the handle you created .
lovely work thanks for sharing!
Wow - such a creative handle - love your color choices, too! Thanks for sharing!!
Love your creativity. As Tim Gunn says, "Make it work."
To cute...I really need one
Great bag.I`m sure she will love it!
Cherry, your grandma will love your priceless purse. Love the idea of the handles. Thanks for sharing...Judith, Texas
Love your purse, and your tenacity. Thanks for sharing with us all.
Your grandmother will love that! It's adorable! I love the addition of the handle!
i love that
I LOVE it! I bought the pattern and have made a few coin purses, but I love the idea of making a bigger bag (sounds tricky to me!) And yours is beautiful!
Love it! Thanks for participating in the UR Priceless hop!
lovely christmasgift ☺
Rosemary B here: wow, lucky gramma.
You did such a wonderful job making this with what you had to gather. I adore the fabric choices. thank you for sharing your creativity
LOVE that fabric!
Very pretty, I'm your grandmother will love it.
Looks like you didn't let the mail mis-hap slow you down a bit! Your grandma is sure to love this beautiful purse :)
Your purse is very pretty! Lucky grandma!
So cute and I like the little handle you added.
Your little purse is so cute and I loved that you made handles for it.
Your grandmother is going to be tickled pink with her new purse.
You did a wonderful job, especially working under pressure! Your grandma will love it. Thanks for sharing.
wow! I love your larger purse and the fabric you used.
Cherry...lovely purse, your grandma will love it. Thanks for sharing in the hop! Happy stitching, Pauline
Your purse is so cute and I do love the fabric you used. Grandma will be sure to love it, too. Very creative with your handle making.
Very clever! Love your bag.
Pretty fabrics. Love the handle. Very creative. Thanks for sharing.
How cute! I live the larger size and handle you used. Thanks for sharing your creation with us today
What a great gift for your grandma...love the handle..thanks for sharing!
Oh so pretty! I love the adaptations you made!
Great idea by attaching a bigger handle. Can function on it's own this way. Thanks for sharing.
Sorry to hear of the lost mail! But your coin purse you made turned out great! What a wonderful gift for your grandmother... A neat up-cycle of the tubing too!
Blessings & Aloha!
I am at our daughter, son in law, and grandbaby's home visiting, but wanted to stop by and check out the amazing coin purses!
I love the addition of the handle! Good job!
Very pretty! Gram is going to love it!
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